So i had to do up this picture because people do NOT know how to have their own ideas. Just look at the two flyers and be the judge of it...All I am saying is that ORIGINALITY is starting to leave people....we gotta step it up

This is where i will display my work. Talk my business. Promote what i gotta promote...and just give you a taste of my life...and see what i think
Hey people...i know i know it has been a while since i even touched this site...it has been busy for a while and i honestly been putting my writing on facebook. That is not fair to the people who were reading what i had and don't have facebook. So i will make sure i touch base with this as much as i can. and with that here is my comeback post =)
This is a topic a friend of mine told me to write about
So I have this question thrown at me a lot.
“You’re such a sweet guy I don’t understand why you’re single”
From that answer I always laugh. Reason why is that I guess you could say that I am black listed. Not only being a male, living in our city that we call
Now from what I see, the reason why I get that thrown on me is because they may have been hurt before from a person who is in the same business as I am. Believe it or not,
Now know this note is not aimed to bash anyone, or to call anyone out. I did put a note out saying that if you want me to write about something then give ideas. One of my friends did so I am just answering her question. The stories you hear about promoters being how they are is half myth, and half fact. They do not sleep with every piece of pokey that is thrown at them, but if you think he is sexy and you have the POWER to convert him into hubby material…sorry you may have your facts a lil wrong there. If you make yourself look easy, they you are what you make yourself look like. You would be as easy as playing NBA 2K9 on easy mode or a 2 year old who would be eating the controller instead of playing you. Basically, where I am going with this note is saying do not paint everyone the same colour because you wouldn’t like that to come to you. If you have any argument or disputes with this note…I am not afraid to talk about it. I am just going on my point