It's 3:45 am...and I am up....and I am not learning that the Office is actually a funny show....As random as it was it is very true
I guess I am up because
A) I am sore from the workout plan I have kicked into play from yesterday.. I am trying to get more cut, loose the body fat keep the sexy going lol
B) Working on this report for work that I couldn't get done today cause it was a lil too busy. At least it doesn't have to get done until Friday.
I tell you, it's hard to do the promoter life and work...but with the way the WEATHER!!!!!! (BRR) Is going, it's not going to be a problem at all. I honestly feel that this winter is going to be ass. That basically means I will be doing photos, but outdoor promo life is gonna be slowing down quickly. That also includes going out to parties....need to kick find a wifey mode very quickly cause I am going to need to hibernate very soon. Accursed Snow...
I hope to see any of my Toronto people at Reserved this Saturday...
why are you in 'find a wifey mode' when you already got one right hereeeee! hahah. ;)
everyone wants to find someone for the winter. lol?
seasonal partners are good I guess.jks
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